Dr. Joanna K. Love
Joanna K. Love is Associate Professor of Music at the University of Richmond and the Book Reviews Editor for the Journal of the Society for American Music. She researches American and popular music in multimedia and has published extensively on music in U.S. national brand and political advertising. Her work has appeared in interdisciplinary volumes for Oxford University Press and Routledge, as well as journals including American Music, Journal of the Society for American Music, and Music and Politics. Her 2019 book, Soda Goes Pop: Pepsi-Cola Advertising and Popular Music, was supported by an American Association of University Women fellowship. Love’s forthcoming co-edited, interdisciplinary volume with Jessie Fillerup is titled Sonic Identity at the Margins. She is currently working with Andrew McGraw on an NEH-funded Digital Humanities project, titled America’s Music Scenes in the Age of Social Media and a book on music’s role in NFL Super Bowl broadcasts.
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Grants and Fellowships
2021 Digital Humanities Advancement Grant: National Endowment for the Humanities
Level I Grant for America’s Music Scenes in the Age of Social Media ($47,357)
2021 Summer Fellowship Award: Faculty Research Committee
Stipend for edited book proofs: Sonic Identity at the Margins
2020 Summer Fellowship Award: Faculty Research Committee
Stipend for edited book revisions and submission: Sonic Identity at the Margins
2019 Summer Fellowship Award: Faculty Research Committee
Stipend for edited book preparation: Sonic Identity at the Margins.
2019 Faculty Travel Grant: Faculty Research Committee
International travel grant to present “Hearing Borderline Personality Disorder in Crazy Ex-Girlfriend” at The Music and Sound Design Conference, Maynooth, Ireland.
2018 Summer Fellowship Award: Faculty Research Committee
Stipend for article preparation: “Decades in Motion: Diegesis, Historical Revisionism, and the 2014 Toyota Corolla.”
2016-2017 American Postdoctoral Fellowship: American Association of University Women
Research Fellowship for book project: Soda Goes Pop: Pepsi-Cola Advertising and Popular Music.
2017 Summer Fellowship Award: Faculty Research Committee
Stipend for manuscript completion: Soda Goes Pop: Pepsi-Cola Advertising and Popular Music.
2016 Summer Fellowship Award: Faculty Research Committee
Stipend for archival research: Soda Goes Pop: Pepsi-Cola Advertising and Popular Music.
2015 Course Transformation Grant: Program for Enhanced Teaching Effectiveness
Stipend for revising an undergraduate general education course, “America’s Music and Media.”
2015 Summer Fellowship Award: Faculty Research Committee
Stipend for archival research: Soda Goes Pop: Pepsi-Cola Advertising and Popular Music. -
April 2020: “Hearing American Universalism and Multiculturalism in Coca-Cola’s ‘Hilltop.’” Invited speaker for the Musicology and Ethnomusicology Student Association, University of Georgia, GA.
April 2020: “Writing Soda Goes Pop.” Invited to be a Hagley Scholar Speaker for its program in the History of Capitalism, Technology, and Culture, University of Delaware, DE.
April 2020: “Global Music Marketing and the Cola Wars.” Invited guest lecture at St. Joseph’s University, PA.
Sept. 2019: “Hearing Borderline Personality Disorder in Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.” Panel presentation at the Music and Sound Design Conference, Maynooth, Ireland.
April 2019: “The Choice of a Neoliberal Generation: Pepsi and Pop Model the Perfect Consumer.” Invited lecture for the Music and Culture Speaker Series, The College of William and Mary, VA.
Nov. 2018: “45 Years of Respect.” Panel presentation for “The Thrill and the Truth of Aretha Franklin,” University of Richmond, VA.
Nov. 2018: “De-Coding ‘Crazy’: ‘Popping’ Gendered Stigmas in the Season Three Theme Song.” Panel presentation for “Hearing Borderline Personality Disorder in Crazy Ex-Girlfriend” at the Music and Media Study Group meeting, American Musicological Society, San Antonio, TX.
Nov. 2018: “The Choice of a Neoliberal Generation: Pepsi and Pop Model the Perfect Consumer.” Paper presented on main program at the American Musicological Society, San Antonio, TX.
Feb. 2017: “Did Led Zeppelin Play Here?: Public Record vs. Public Memory.” Invited panelist to discuss the cultural implications of Jeff Krulik’s documentary, Led Zeppelin Played Here. University of Maryland, MD.
Mar. 2016:“Nostalgia, Iconic Mythology, and Madonna’s Vogue.” Paper in preparation for the Society For American Music, Boston, MA.
Nov. 2015: “Selling Difference: Sonic Hipness and Racial Tension in Contemporary Advertising.” Music and Philosophy Study Group, American Musicological Society, Louisville, KY.
Feb. 2015: “The Same Old Song: (Re)Negotiating Hegemony in Madonna’s 2012 Super Bowl Performance”
Paper read at the national meeting of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music-U.S., University of Louisville, KY.Mar/April 2014: “Decades in Motion: Dancing and Driving My Toyota Corolla.”
Paper read at the national meeting of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music-U.S., University of Chapel Hill, NC. Paper revised and read at Experience the Music Project Pop Conference, Seattle, WA.Mar 2013: "Campaign-Generated Television and Online Advertisements."
Paper read during the panel presentation, "The Musical Making of a President, 2012," at the national meeting of the Society for American Music, Little Rock, AR.Nov. 2011: "When Soda Met Pop: Re-presenting Michael Jackson and His Music in Pepsi's 1984 Campaign."
Paper read at the national meeting of the American Musicological Society, San Francisco, CA.May 2011: "The Day the Jingle Died: Redefining Commercial Success in Michael Jackson's 1988 Pepsi Campaign."
Revised Paper and read at the national meeting of Music and the Moving Image, New York, NY.Mar. 2011: "The Day the Jingle Died: Redefining Commercial Success in Michael Jackson's 1988 Pepsi Campaign."
Paper read at the national meeting of the Society for American Music, Cincinnati, OH.
Grants and Fellowships
Selected Publications
Turf Wars: Popular Music’s Politics at America’s Super Bowl. In preparation
Sonic Identity at the Margins. Co-edited book volume with Jessie Fillerup. New York, Bloomsbury Publishing: Forthcoming, 2022.
Soda Goes Pop: Pepsi-Cola Advertising and Popular Music. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2019.
Journal Articles“Commercials in (and as) Television Musicals.” Chapter submitted for The Oxford Handbook of the Television Musical. Edited by Raymond Knapp and Jessica Sternfeld. Oxford University Press. In preparation.
“Let’s Get Loud: Sounding Subversive Bodies at the Super Bowl.” Article accepted by the Journal of Popular Music Studies. Forthcoming, 2022.
“Double Bind Taste Test: On the Music in THAT Pepsi Ad.” Musicology Now, musicologynow.ams-net.org/, May 8, 2017.
“Political Pop and Commercials that Flopped: Early Lessons from the 2016 Presidential Race.” Trax on the Trail, January 14, 2016.
“Branding a Cool Celebrity President: Advertising with Popular Music in the 2012 Election.” Music & Politics 9, 2 (2015)
“From Cautionary Chart-Topper to Friendly Beverage Anthem: Michael Jackson’s ‘Billie Jean’ and Pepsi’s ‘The Choice of a New Generation’ Television Campaign.” Journal of the Society for American Music 9, 2 (2015): 178-203.
“Beyond the Narrative: Further Considerations for the Popular Music Survey.” Journal of Music History Pedagogy 5, no. 1 (2014): 143-151.
“Beyond the Narrative: Further Considerations for the Popular Music Survey.” Journal of Music History Pedagogy 5, no. 4 (2014): 143-151.
Book ChaptersJoanna K. Love and Jessie Fillerup. “Introduction to Sonic Identity at the Margins.” Joanna K. Love and Jessie Fillerup. In Sonic Identity at the Margins. Edited by Joanna K. Love and Jessie Fillerup. New York: Bloomsbury Publishing. Forthcoming, 2022.
Joanna K. Love and Jessie Fillerup. “Hearing Borderline Personality Disorder in Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.” In Sonic Identity at the Margins. Edited by Joanna K. Love and Jessie Fillerup New York: Bloomsbury Publishing. Forthcoming, 2022.
“Coke and the Hilltop.” In Decoding Coca-Cola: A Biography of a Global Brand. Edited by Robert Crawford, Linda Brennan, & Susie Khamis, 33–46. New York: Routledge Publishing.
“Pushin’ It: Sounding Difference through Humor in Geico’s 2014 Salt-N-Pepa Spot.” In The Oxford Handbook of Music and Advertising. Edited by James Deville, Siu-Lan Tan, and Ronald Rodman 505-522. New York: Oxford University Press.