Music Courses
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MUS 090 Music Department Salon
Units: 0.25
DescriptionAttendance at bimonthly departmental sessions for selected lectures, discussions, presentations, and performances. May be repeated. Graded Pass/Fail. -
MUS 101 Listening to Music: An Introduction to the Western Classical Tradition
Units: 1
DescriptionRefines listening skills through study of selected major composers, styles, and genres of the Western classical tradition. Explores music from the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Modern eras, including works by Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Mahler, Stravinsky, and many others. Genres to be covered include the symphony, string quartet, sonata, opera, song, and choral music. Attendance at selected concerts on campus is required.
MUS 107 Fundamentals of Music
Units: 1
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): AI-Visual & Performing Arts (AIVP)
DescriptionFor students with little or no previous training in theory or piano. Practical understanding of intervals, scales, keys, chord structures, and rhythm, using keyboard and sight-singing as vehicles of instruction. Does not count toward music major.
MUS 110 Tonal Harmony I: Common Practice Period
Units: 1
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): AI-Visual & Performing Arts (AIVP)
DescriptionEntry-level music theory course. Study and application of harmonic practice in Western music of 17th and 18th centuries by means of original compositions and analysis of selected literature. Continuation of musicianship exercises from Music 109.
PrerequisitesMUS 107 or departmental approval
MUS 111 Analysis and Composition of Popular Music
Units: 1
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): AI-Visual & Performing Arts (AIVP)
DescriptionCritical exploration of popular music, focusing on a handson approach—“learning by doing.” Listening critically/analytically to a vast popular repertory, doing composition exercises based on strategies and tools discussed, and writing analytical essays.
PrerequisitesMUS 107, MUS 109, or MUS 110
MUS 112 Recording Techniques
Units: 1
DescriptionIntroduction to the technical foundations of audio engineering and recording designed to give students a set of skills needed to record, mix, and master musical projects using microphones, pre-amps, mixers, and digital audio workstations.
MUS 114 Popular Music of the 1970s and 1980s
Units: 1
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): AI-Visual & Performing Arts (AIVP), IF-Power/Equity/Identity/Cult (IFPE)
DescriptionDiscusses the historical developments in popular music of the 70s and 80s, and the musics' cultural and social impact and overarching discourses. Through a series of papers, students will investigate how the music of these eras influenced and was influenced by the politics and issues of the day. Students will argue for how these issues affected musical styles and presentations. Students will be able to identify at least some of the ways the musics of the 70s and 80s have impacted the music and bands that came after it.
MUS 115 The Jazz Tradition
Units: 1
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): AI-Visual & Performing Arts (AIVP), IF-Power/Equity/Identity/Cult (IFPE)
DescriptionFor general student. Survey of cultural history of jazz; jazz styles from 1917 to present; and evolution of jazz from African music, music of slavery, ragtime, and blues. Includes concert attendance and performance project.
MUS 116 Music Scene
Units: 1
DescriptionSections are designed each semester around on- and off-campus concerts. Students consider historical, social, and cultural issues particular to each concert and interact with visiting artists and University of Richmond's ensemble in residence.
MUS 117 Salsa Meets Jazz
Units: 1
DescriptionFor general student. Traces influx of Latin-American music into North American jazz. Connects music and dances of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Argentina, and Brazil to their subsequent synthesis in jazz.
MUS 122 America's Music and Media
Units: 1
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): AI-Historical Inquiry (AIHS), IF-Written Communication (IFWC)
DescriptionTopically-based survey of media and technological innovations that have facilitated the creation and distribution of diverse American musical forms from the late-19th century through the early 21st. Investigates changes in the production and consumption of American music from the circulation of sheet music, wax cylinders, and player pianos that dominated the turn of the 20th century to the Mp4 files and Digital Audio Workstations (D.A.W.) we enjoy today.
MUS 123 Meaning and Music
Units: 1
DescriptionExplores musical meaning in Western classical traditions. Focuses on representations of identity, such as ability, race, gender, and sexuality, in genres including symphonic music, opera, ballet, piano music, and film scores.
MUS 125 Indonesian Theater and Music
Units: 1
DescriptionThis course will be a highly interdisciplinary introduction into the rich and complexly interconnected traditions of theater and music from the island nation of Indonesia. Students will study the history and form of various traditions and partake in numerous hands-on workshops involving traditional shadow theater, comedy, dance, and gamelan orchestral music.
MUS 130 Class Guitar
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
DescriptionIntroduction to guitar through folk music.
MUS 131 Class Piano
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
DescriptionFor beginning piano student. Introduction to elements of music via the keyboard.
MUS 132 Class Voice
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
DescriptionFor the beginning voice student. Introduction to the basic elements of vocal technique through the study of body and breath control, vocal exercises, beginning repertoire, and performance experience.
MUS 133 Class Piano-Pop/Jazz Styles
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
DescriptionMusic 133 is an introduction to piano technique using both traditional notation and pop/jazz chord symbols. Upon completion of this course, students will have the basic knowledge to successfully interpret and perform pop/rock/jazz and other chord-based styles.
MUS 134 Songbirds and Sirens
Units: 1
DescriptionExamines the ways in which performers, composters, and operatic works shape and relfect cultural attitudes about gender and music. The interdisciplinary nature of opera, which combines text, music, and theatrical performance, will be considered through methodologies developed in music, literary criticism, theater and gender studies. Interplay between operatic characters and the public and private lives of women singers will deepen our engagement with both the artistic works we study and the cultures in which they were first forged.
MUS 138 Special Topics in Music
Units: 1
DescriptionSelected topics in music not covered in the music program. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
MUS 202 Global Rhythms
DescriptionExploration of repertoires from various global music traditions. Performance of traditional instruments from Asia and Africa and participation in performances and workshops with expert native performers. No prior experience necessary.
MUS 203 Musical Exoticism
Units: 1
DescriptionStudies the conditions under which misperception and appropriation occur, under what conditions can mutually beneficial interactions take hold, and how can future musics may celebrate the potential of cultural difference without falling into exotifying tendencies. Topics include the upheavals of colonialism, the musical misrepresentation of other cultures, the innovation of some of the most popular and powerful music of the past 150 years: jazz, Cajun music, Kpop, Hip-hop and Bluegrass.
MUS 204 Magic in Classical Music & Film
Units: 1
DescriptionExplores how meaning is created and expressed through classical music “texts” from multimodal genres, such as ballet, opera, programmatic orchestral music, and film. Considers historical, aesthetic, and cultural contexts, as well as modes of production and transmission, including “translation.”
MUS 205 Diction for Singers
Units: 0.5
DescriptionStudy of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) and its application to singing diction in a variety of languages. Preparation and performance of works in the languages being studied.
MUS 206 Selected Topics in Vocal Peformance
Units: 0.5
DescriptionFocuses on a variety of topics related to the voice and vocal performance.
PrerequisitesMSAP 160 or MUS 132
MUS 207 Musical Theatre and Opera Scene Workshop
Units: 0.5
DescriptionStudy of stage techniques for the singer applied to various scenes from operatic and musical theater repertoire resulting in staged performance by class members. May be repeated for credit.
MUS 208 Global Pop
Units: 1
DescriptionFocuses on popular music from outside the Euro-American cultural sphere. Uses methodologies and theories from ethnomusicology, cultural studies and anthropology to critically investigate the emergence of so-called popular musics around the globe beginning in the early 20th century. How is the 'pop-classical,' 'high-low' division of the arts that characterizes cultural production in the West transformed in different locales? Includes direct engagement in various local genres through hands on performance workshops.
MUS 209 Hearing Paris in the Belle Époque, 1870–1914
Units: 1
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): AI-Historical Inquiry (AIHS)
DescriptionExplores the musical soundscapes of Paris from the Franco-Prussian War to the eve of the Great War. Emphasizes the cultural and aesthetic contexts of music, including topics on exoticism, antiquity, fashion, gender, and sports. Focuses on musical venues like the opera, ballet, café, zoo, and department store.
MUS 211 Tonal Harmony II: Chromaticism
Units: 1
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): AI-Visual & Performing Arts (AIVP)
DescriptionContinuation of MUS 110. Study and application of harmonic practice in Western music of the 18th and 19th centuries by means of original compositions and analysis of selected literature. Continuation of musicianship exercises from Music 109.
PrerequisitesMUS 110 with a minimum grade of C-
MUS 213 Any Sound You Can Imagine: Recording, Transforming and Organizing Sound
Units: 1
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): AI-Visual & Performing Arts (AIVP)
DescriptionIntroduces students to the techniques, tools, aesthetic ideas, and traditions of organizing sound in meaningful ways using computers. Students will learn recording techniques, principles of digital audio, and techniques of audio transformation and organization in the service of producing several original brief compositions. In addition, students will study relevant readings and pieces drawn from the electronica, electroacoustic, and experimental repertoires.
MUS 214 Jazz Arranging
Units: 1
DescriptionComprehensive study of evolution of jazz arranging and composition from 1920s to present. Score analysis of representative works by Sammy Nestico, Thad Jones, Bob Brookmeyer, and others. Extensive listening. Students will arrange for small and large jazz ensembles.
PrerequisitesMUS 110 with a minimum grade of C-
MUS 217 Soundscapes
Units: 1
MUS 221 Music in Film
Units: 1
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): AI-Visual & Performing Arts (AIVP)
DescriptionFor general student. Study of interaction of music and visual image in Hollywood film; emphasis on nature of musical meaning, music and association, and music as a cultural code.
MUS 224 Music and Religion
Units: 1
DescriptionExplores major religious and cultural trends in the history of the West through the lens of twelve choral masterworks. Considers the sources and cultural functions of the texts, the spiritual or philosophical outlook of the composer, and the ways available musical resources were used to craft statements of belief. Generally offered once a year.
MUS 225 The Music Industry: History, Technology, and Promotion
Units: 1
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Power/Equity/Identity/Cult (IFPE), IF-Written Communication (IFWC)
DescriptionOverview of how the twentieth and twenty-first music business has worked in financial, legal, and artistic terms; how music technologies of recording, reproduction, and consumption operate; and how musical tastes and cognition affect the ways in which music is created, disseminated, and heard.
MUS 226 Music and Media in Popular Culture
Units: 1
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Written Communication (IFWC), IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
DescriptionExploration of topics and issues relating to intersections of music, media, technology and popular culture. Taught through the examination of scholarly methodologies and theories from musicology, media, sociology, aesthetics, and popular culture.
PrerequisitesMUS 110 or MUS 111
MUS 228 Historical Musicology
Units: 1
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Written Communication (IFWC)
Descriptionintroduces students to research methodologies in historical musicology using case studies drawn from Western art music. Emphasis is placed on discovering and using primary sources, interpreting contemporary scholarship, and articulating ideas through writing and oral discourse.
PrerequisitesMUS 110 with a minimum grade of C-
MUS 229 Anthropology of Music
Units: 1
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): AI-Visual & Performing Arts (AIVP), IF-Written Communication (IFWC)
DescriptionA general introduction to the field of ethnomusicology. Includes hands-on workshops on various non-Western musical traditions and ethnographic projects on the local music scene.Extended DescriptionTraditionally, “musicology” is concerned with investigating Euro-American art music from an historical and analytical perspective. “Ethnomusicology” is traditionally concerned with investigating any music from anywhere and anytime, from an anthropological and ethnographic perspective. For many music students in Euro-America, ethnomusicology provides some of their first experiences of non-Western musics. MUS 229 is a general introduction to the field of ethnomusicology; it is open to general students and is cross-listed through the Anthropology Department. Skills in music performance, analysis or literacy in Western music notation are not required. Rather than score analysis or music theory, we will be learning about music through hands on workshops, ethnography, and digital humanities research methods. Some of the work you will do in this class will become part of long-term public research project (
MUS 230 Class Guitar II (Intermediate Level)
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
DescriptionFor the intermediate level guitarist not yet ready for private instruction.
PrerequisitesMUS 130
MUS 231 Conducting Fundamentals
Units: 1
DescriptionEssentials of instrumental and choral conducting. Rehearsal techniques and practical experience in directing musical groups.
PrerequisitesMUS 109 or MUS 110
MUS 232 Intermediate Class Piano
Units: 0.5
DescriptionPiano study in a class setting for students who have passed MUS 131 or have had some private study in the past. The course assumes a sound knowledge of basic piano technique and music reading.
PrerequisitesMUS 131
MUS 235 I Want My MTV: Music Video and the Transformation of the Music Industry
Units: 1
DescriptionEngagement with early music videos, as well as corresponding albums and related cultural multimedia as primary sources, to analyze the critical relationships between the music and images that premiered on the MTV network in its first decades. Situation of videos in their historical and cultural contexts using methodologies from a variety of disciplines, including film and cinema studies, sociology, the music industry, ethnomusicology and musicology.
MUS 236 Music and the Mind
Units: 1
DescriptionIntroduction to the field of music cognition, providing a survey of theoretical, cultural, and experimental research. Combines ideas from music studies, cognitive sciences, psychology, linguistics, and neurosciences to explore how and why we make sense of music. Offered annually.
MUS 238 Special Topics in Music
Units: 1
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): AI-Visual & Performing Arts (AIVP)
DescriptionSelected topics in music not covered in the music program. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
MUS 304 Music Entrepreneurship
Units: 1
DescriptionBuilding a career in music and developing skills beyond musicianship that contribute to success in the field of music. Considers the specialized skills and diversified experiences required for the next generation of cultural leaders.
MUS 306 Introduction to Composition
Units: 1
DescriptionIntroduction of materials and techniques of acoustic composition through readings, listening assignments, composition exercises, and performances.
PrerequisitesMUS 110
MUS 307 Composition
Units: 0.5
DescriptionDirected projects in various styles for traditional and/or electronic media. May be repeated for credit.
PrerequisitesMUS 306 with a minimum grade of C- or permission of instructor, or previous 307
MUS 310 Managing Performing Arts Organizations
Units: 1
DescriptionFor those interested in managing and leading a performing arts organization, this course is a review of topics essential for successful management of a performing arts organization. Includes nonprofit and alternative organizational structure, organizational development and structure-- (management, board of directors, and staffing) , leadership and management styles, budget development and fiscal management, strategic planning, marketing and audience development, legals issues, and other related topics. (Same as Theatre 310.)
MUS 313 Advanced Music Production
Units: 1
DescriptionContinuation of Music 213. Students will delve more deeply into audio processing techniques such as eq, compression, synthesis, sound design, sample transformation, mixing and mastering, in the service of producing several original compositions. In addition, students will study the music, creative practices and techniques of producers, composers and songwriters working in a variety of electronic music genres.PrerequisitesMUS 213 or permission of instructor.
MUS 338 Special Topics in Music History
Units: 1
DescriptionSelected topics such as musical genre, works of specific composers, or techniques of teaching and learning music. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
PrerequisitesMUS 109 and MUS 227 or MUS 228
MUS 345 Philanthropy in the Arts
Units: 1
DescriptionSurvey of strategies, tools and techniques involved in generating contributed income for arts organizations from private individuals, foundations, corporations, business, and government agencies. Central issues include underlying psychological and practical bases of fundraising in the arts and exposure to research and methods involved in developing donor prospects. Fundraising techniques, including direct mail, telemarketing, grant writing, personal appeals, major gift solicitation, special events, capital campaigns, endowment campaigns, sponsorships, and planned giving. (Same as Art 345 and Theatre 345.)
PrerequisitesARTH 322, MUS 310, or THTR 310
MUS 350 Student Recital
Units: 0.5
DescriptionPreparation and performance of a solo recital by students in applied study or composition. Non-capstone recitals do not count towards the music major.
MUS 388 Individual Internship
Units: 0.5
DescriptionNo more than 1.5 units of internship in any one department and 3.5 units of internship overall may be counted toward required degree units.
PrerequisitesDepartmental approval
MUS 395 Independent Study
Units: 0.5
MUS 400 Capstone Seminar
Units: 0.5
DescriptionFirst half of a one-year capstone experience for the senior music major. Seminar on topics in musicology, music performance, music theory, composition, music production, music industry.
MUS 401 Capstone Project
Units: 0.5
DescriptionSecond half of a one-year capstone experience for the senior music major. Guided completion of thesis or project in performance, composition, theory/analysis, musicology, music production, music industry. Concurrent registration for applied study may be required.
PrerequisitesMUS 401
MUS 402 Honors Thesis/Project
Units: 0.5
DescriptionGuided research and preparation for thesis or project in performance, composition, theory/analysis, musicology.
MUS 406 Summer Undergraduate Research
DescriptionDocumentation of the work of students who receive summer fellowships to conduct research [or produce a creative arts project] in the summer. The work must take place over a minimum of 6 weeks, the student must engage in the project full-time (at least 40 hours per week) during this period, and the student must be the recipient of a fellowship through the university. Graded S/U.
PrerequisitesApproval by a faculty member
MUS 090 Music Department Salon
Music Ensemble Courses
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MSEN 100 Music Performance Laboratory
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB), AI-Visual & Performing Arts (AIVP)
DescriptionPerformance workshop for learning about innovative modes of expression and developing skills in music creation, performance, and production. Ensemble is open to any level of musician, but is geared to students who do not read standard Western notation. May be repeated.
MSEN 190 Women's Chorale
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB), AI-Visual & Performing Arts (AIVP)
DescriptionWomen's chorus; study and perform choral literature appropriate to the group from a variety of style periods and origins. Two rehearsals weekly. Regular performances on and off campus. May be repeated.
MSEN 191 University Orchestra
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB), AI-Visual & Performing Arts (AIVP)
DescriptionStudy and performance of works for symphony orchestra. One rehearsal and one sectional weekly. Regular performances on and off campus. May be repeated.
MSEN 192 Jazz Ensemble
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB), AI-Visual & Performing Arts (AIVP)
DescriptionStudy and performance of Big Band repertoire from swing era to present. One rehearsal and two sectionals weekly with two or more concerts each year. May be repeated.
MSEN 193 University Band
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB), AI-Visual & Performing Arts (AIVP)
DescriptionStudy and performance of wind band literature. Wind Ensemble of 50-60 members. One on-campus concert per semester. One rehearsal and one sectional weekly. May be repeated.
MSEN 195 Jazz Combo
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB), AI-Visual & Performing Arts (AIVP)
DescriptionSmall jazz ensemble. Regular performances on and off campus. May be repeated.
MSEN 196 Schola Cantorum
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB), AI-Visual & Performing Arts (AIVP)
DescriptionSmall mixed chorus; study and perform choral literature appropriate to the group from variety of style periods and origins; emphasis on a cappella repertoire. Three rehearsals weekly. Regular performances on and off campus; biannual tour. May be repeated.
MSEN 201 Chamber Music Ensemble
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB), AI-Visual & Performing Arts (AIVP)
DescriptionStudy and performance of chamber music. Coaching by various members of the Department of Music. One rehearsal and one coaching weekly. May be repeated.
MSEN 202 Guitar Ensemble
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB), AI-Visual & Performing Arts (AIVP)
DescriptionStudy and performance of guitar ensemble literature. One rehearsal weekly. May be repeated.
MSEN 203 Global Music Ensemble
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB), AI-Visual & Performing Arts (AIVP)
DescriptionHands-on exploration of traditional musical repertoires from around the world. Students will perform on hand-made instruments from Asia and Africa and join with expert native musicians and dancers in an end-of-semester concert. Focuses primarily on Balinese gamelan (percussion orchestra) music and Ghanaian Ewe drumming ensemble music. Occasional workshops on Javanese and Brazilian musics. No previous musical experience is necessary. Traditions learned aurally/orally; no prior experience with notation is necessary. One rehearsal weekly.
MSEN 204 Little Big Band
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB), AI-Visual & Performing Arts (AIVP)
DescriptionLarge jazz combo; study and perform chamber jazz literature from many different jazz and contemporary styles, including swing, be bop, Latin jazz and jazz rock. Emphasis on performance and improvisation. Two 1.5-hour rehearsals weekly with regular performances on and off campus.
MSEN 100 Music Performance Laboratory
Music Applied Courses
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MSAP 160 Voice
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
MSAP 161 Piano
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
MSAP 162 Organ
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
MSAP 163 Guitar
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
MSAP 164 Flute
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
MSAP 165 Oboe
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
MSAP 166 Clarinet
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
MSAP 167 Saxophone
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
MSAP 168 Bassoon
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
MSAP 169 French Horn
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
MSAP 170 Trumpet
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
MSAP 171 Trombone/Baritone
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
MSAP 172 Tuba
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
MSAP 173 Percussion
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
MSAP 174 Violin
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
MSAP 175 Viola
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
MSAP 176 Cello
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
MSAP 177 String Bass/Electric Bass
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
MSAP 178 Harp
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
MSAP 179 Banjo
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
MSAP 180 Mandolin
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
MSAP 181 Harpsichord
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
MSAP 182 Miscellaneous Instruments
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
MSAP 260 Voice
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
DescriptionPrivate lessons in instrument or voice; continuation of MSAP 160 – 182. Expanded jury required at the end of each semester of study. Permission of applied teacher and department chairperson required.
MSAP 261 Piano
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
DescriptionPrivate lessons in instrument or voice; continuation of MSAP 160 – 182. Expanded jury required at the end of each semester of study. Permission of applied teacher and department chairperson required.
MSAP 262 Organ
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
DescriptionPrivate lessons in instrument or voice; continuation of MSAP 160 – 182. Expanded jury required at the end of each semester of study. Permission of applied teacher and department chairperson required.
MSAP 263 Guitar
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
DescriptionPrivate lessons in instrument or voice; continuation of MSAP 160 – 182. Expanded jury required at the end of each semester of study. Permission of applied teacher and department chairperson required.
MSAP 264 Flute
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
DescriptionPrivate lessons in instrument or voice; continuation of MSAP 160 – 182. Expanded jury required at the end of each semester of study. Permission of applied teacher and department chairperson required.
MSAP 265 Oboe
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
DescriptionPrivate lessons in instrument or voice; continuation of MSAP 160 – 182. Expanded jury required at the end of each semester of study. Permission of applied teacher and department chairperson required.
MSAP 266 Clarinet
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
DescriptionPrivate lessons in instrument or voice; continuation of MSAP 160 – 182. Expanded jury required at the end of each semester of study. Permission of applied teacher and department chairperson required.
MSAP 267 Saxophone
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
DescriptionPrivate lessons in instrument or voice; continuation of MSAP 160 – 182. Expanded jury required at the end of each semester of study. Permission of applied teacher and department chairperson required.
MSAP 268 Bassoon
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
DescriptionPrivate lessons in instrument or voice; continuation of MSAP 160 – 182. Expanded jury required at the end of each semester of study. Permission of applied teacher and department chairperson required.
MSAP 269 French Horn
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
DescriptionPrivate lessons in instrument or voice; continuation of MSAP 160 – 182. Expanded jury required at the end of each semester of study. Permission of applied teacher and department chairperson required.
MSAP 270 Trumpet
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
DescriptionPrivate lessons in instrument or voice; continuation of MSAP 160 – 182. Expanded jury required at the end of each semester of study. Permission of applied teacher and department chairperson required.
MSAP 271 Trombone/Baritone
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
DescriptionPrivate lessons in instrument or voice; continuation of MSAP 160 – 182. Expanded jury required at the end of each semester of study. Permission of applied teacher and department chairperson required.
MSAP 272 Tuba
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
DescriptionPrivate lessons in instrument or voice; continuation of MSAP 160 – 182. Expanded jury required at the end of each semester of study. Permission of applied teacher and department chairperson required.
MSAP 273 Percussion
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
DescriptionPrivate lessons in instrument or voice; continuation of MSAP 160 – 182. Expanded jury required at the end of each semester of study. Permission of applied teacher and department chairperson required.
MSAP 274 Violin
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
DescriptionPrivate lessons in instrument or voice; continuation of MSAP 160 – 182. Expanded jury required at the end of each semester of study. Permission of applied teacher and department chairperson required.
MSAP 275 Viola
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
DescriptionPrivate lessons in instrument or voice; continuation of MSAP 160 – 182. Expanded jury required at the end of each semester of study. Permission of applied teacher and department chairperson required.
MSAP 276 Cello
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
DescriptionPrivate lessons in instrument or voice; continuation of MSAP 160 – 182. Expanded jury required at the end of each semester of study. Permission of applied teacher and department chairperson required.
MSAP 277 String Bass/Electric Bass
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
DescriptionPrivate lessons in instrument or voice; continuation of MSAP 160 – 182. Expanded jury required at the end of each semester of study. Permission of applied teacher and department chairperson required.
MSAP 278 Harp
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
DescriptionPrivate lessons in instrument or voice; continuation of MSAP 160 – 182. Expanded jury required at the end of each semester of study. Permission of applied teacher and department chairperson required.
MSAP 279 Banjo
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
DescriptionPrivate lessons in instrument or voice; continuation of MSAP 160 – 182. Expanded jury required at the end of each semester of study. Permission of applied teacher and department chairperson required.
MSAP 280 Mandolin
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
DescriptionPrivate lessons in instrument or voice; continuation of MSAP 160 – 182. Expanded jury required at the end of each semester of study. Permission of applied teacher and department chairperson required.
MSAP 281 Harpsichord
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
DescriptionPrivate lessons in instrument or voice; continuation of MSAP 160 – 182. Expanded jury required at the end of each semester of study. Permission of applied teacher and department chairperson required.
MSAP 282 Miscellaneous Instruments
Units: 0.5
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Embodied Communication (IFEB)
DescriptionPrivate lessons in instrument or voice; continuation of MSAP 160 – 182. Expanded jury required at the end of each semester of study. Permission of applied teacher and department chairperson required.
MSAP 160 Voice