University Symphony Orchestra
Study and perform works for symphony orchestra. Two rehearsals weekly. Regular performances on and off campus. May be repeated.
A full symphony orchestra that studies and performs works appropriate for the ensemble.
MSEN 191: University Orchestra
Rehearsals: Meets Tuesdays 7:00-9:00 p.m. in Camp Concert Hall and Thursdays in Booker Hall BB-002.
General Education Requirement: FSVP—Must complete 1 unit in ensemble before FSVP credit is awarded.
Unit: 0.5
Conductor: Dr. Naima Burrs, adjunct instructor of music
Additional Information: Open by audition to all students with training on an orchestral instrument.
Auditions: UR Symphony Orchestra auditions are held on the first Monday of the fall semester from 5:00-7:30 p.m. Contact Dr. Burrs to schedule an audition or sign up on the sheet that will be located in the Booker Hall of Music lobby. Concertmaster auditions are held the same day, from 8:00-9:00 p.m. The location for auditions will be listed on the sign-up sheet.
Audition Requirements: Students should prepare two excerpts of contrasting tempo and character from the standard orchestral repertoire and be prepared to play three octaves of any major or minor scale. Memorization is not required. Students may also be asked to sight-read an orchestral excerpt.