University Band
MSEN 193: University Band
Study and performance of a wide variety of wind band literature. An ensemble of 50-60 student and community players. One on-campus concert per semester. One rehearsal weekly. May be repeated.
Rehearsals: Mondays, 7:00-9:00 p.m. in Camp Concert Hall, plus sectionals as needed.
General Education Requirement: FSVP—must complete 1 unit in same ensemble before FSVP credit is awarded.
Unit: 0.5
Conductor: Brianna Gatch, adjunct instructor of music
Auditions: UR Univeristy Band auditions are held on Monday of the first week of fall semester. Please prepare two contrasting selections for this audition. It can be from something you played previously. We will listen to two scales and do a short sight-reading passage. Contact Mrs. Gatch to schedule an audition or sign up on the sheet that will be located in the Booker Hall of Music lobby