Global Music Ensembles
Students have several opportunities to study a wide variety of global musics at the University of Richmond.
MUS 202: Global Rhythms
Hands-on exploration of traditional percussion repertoires from around the world. Students will perform on hand-made instruments from Asia and Africa and join with expert musicians in an end-of-semester concert. Focuses primarily on Indonesian gamelan, West African drumming, and Japanese taiko. No previous musical experience is necessary. Traditions learned aurally/orally; no prior experience with notation is necessary.
Meeting: MWF, 5:30 - 6:20 p.m.
Director: Dr. Andrew McGraw, Associate Professor of Music
General Education Requirement: FSVP
Unit: 1
Additional Information: Hands-on exploration of traditional percussion repertoires from around the world using hand-made instruments from Asia and Africa. Focuses primarily on Indonesian gamelan, West African drumming, and Japanese taiko. Open to all students; no previous musical experience is necessary.
MSEN 203 - 01 Japanese Taiko Drumming
Students will play taiko (hand-made, traditional Japanese drums), learning the relevant rhythms and movements to traditional and/or modern compositions. They will also join with performers from River City Taiko in an end-of-semester concert. Music notation will be taught verbally; no experience with written notation is necessary, nor is any previous music or dance experience necessary.
Rehearsals: Tuesdays, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. in Booker BB-002
General Education Requirement: FSVP—Must complete 1 unit in same ensemble before FSVP credit is awarded.
Unit: 0.5
Director: Alasdair Denvil, Adjunct Instructor
Additional Information: Open to all students; no previous music or dance experience is necessary
MSEN 203 - 02: African Drumming
Hands-on exploration of West African drumming traditions. Students will perform on hand-made instruments from Africa and join with expert musicians in an end-of-semester concert. No previous musical experience is necessary. Traditions learned aurally/orally; no prior experience with notation is necessary.
Rehearsals: Wednesdays, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. in Booker BB-002
General Education Requirement: FSVP—Must complete 1 unit in same ensemble before FSVP credit is awarded.
Unit: 0.5
Director: Roderick Davis, Adjunct Instructor
Additional Information: Open to all students; no previous musical experience is necessary
Students will play gamelan (hand-made, traditional Indonesian percussion instruments from Java and Bali), learning the relevant techniques and traditional compositions. They will also join with performers from Gamelan Raga Kusuma in an end-of-semester concert. Music will be taught verbally; no experience with written notation is necessary, nor is any previous music experience necessary.
Rehearsals: Thursdays, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. in North Court 024
General Education Requirement: FSVP—Must complete 1 unit in same ensemble before FSVP credit is awarded.
Unit: 0.5
Director: Dr. Andrew McGraw, Associate Professor of Music
Additional Information: Open to all students; no previous music experience is necessary
MSEN 195 Brazilian Music
Hands-on exploration of Brazilian bossa-nova and samba traditions. Students will perform with expert musicians in an end-of-semester concert. No previous musical experience is necessary. Traditions learned aurally/orally; no prior experience with notation is necessary.
Rehearsals: Meeting time is arranged at the beginning of each semester
General Education Requirement: FSVP — Must complete 1 unit in same ensemble before FSVP credit is awarded.
Unit: 0.5
Director: Kevin Harding, Adjunct Instructor
Additional Information: Open to all students; no previous musical experience is necessary