A commitment to undergraduate research is a fundamental part of education at Richmond. Music students may choose from a wide array of faculty interests for collaborative study or enjoy independent study in any number of areas. Music students enrolled in Music 401-402 complete a research project under the supervision of a faculty member. The results are presented at the Undergraduate Research Symposium in the spring.
The research interests of our faculty are varied, providing unique opportunities for our students to become involved in independent research. Support for this work in the summer or during the academic year is derived from undergraduate research fellowships. Students who are interested in undertaking independent research should consult with a faculty member who works in their field of interest:
Richard Becker
Piano performance, composition, poetry
Ben Broening
Composition, music theory, music technology
Jennifer Cable
Vocal performance, early Baroque music
Michael Davison
Trumpet performance, jazz studies, Cuban music
Jessie Fillerup
Musicology: 19th and 20th century music, Maurice Ravel, temporality and music, opera studies, music and theatrical magic
Joanne Kong
Piano performance, harpsichord performance, Baroque music, chamber music, and accompanying
Joanna Love
Musicology: 20th and 21st Century Popular Music, Media, and American Music
Andrew McGraw
Ethnomusicology: Southeast Asian music, music and ethics, and digital musicology
Jeffrey Riehl
Choral conducting, vocal performance, Mozart
Independent Study
The goal of Music 395 (Independent Study) is to provide junior and senior music students with the opportunity to investigate an area of interest in depth or to conduct research collaboratively with a faculty member.
The project—which generally culminates in a paper, presentation or performance—should be written up as a proposal and submitted for approval to the department chair before registering for the course. The proposal should include a description of the project, the resources needed, the results of the project, the amount of credit desired (.5 - 1.0 units), and the name of the faculty supervisor or collaborator.