Dr. Gene Anderson
Anderson is the author of a number of articles about early jazz and the analysis of wind music and is a member of the editorial board for Monographs and Bibliographies in American Music. His book, The Original Hot Five Recordings of Louis Armstrong, appeared in 2007. He enjoys playing clarinet in the faculty trad band, Doctors of Jazz, which he has led for the past 25 years.
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"Nobody's Baby: The Baby Cox Story," Paper read at the National Meeting of the College Music Society, Salt Lake City, UT, November 17, 2007
"Down and Out in the T.O.B.A.," Paper read at the National Meeting of the Society for American Music, Chicago, IL, March 19, 2006.
"The Origin of Armstrong's Hot Fives and Hot Sevens," Paper read at the National Meeting of the College Music Society, Kansas City, KS, September 26-29, 2002.
"Complexity Made Simple in Stephen Sondheim's Into the Woods," Paper read at the International Musical Congress and Festival, "Broadway on the Ruhr, The Musical Comedy in the New Millennium," June 22-25, 2000, Dortmund, Germany
"Overcoming Saxophobia," International CMS Conference, Berlin, Germany, June 16, 1995
"The Triumph of Timelessness Over Time in Hindemith's Turandot Scherzo from the Symphonic Metamorphosis of Themes by Carl Maria von Weber," a paper presented at the Southern Division Meeting of the College Band Directors National Association, Williamsburg, Virginia, February 10, 1994
"Musical Metamorphoses in Hindemith's March from the Symphonic Metamorphosis of Themes by Carl Maria von Weber, a paper presented at the Spring Meeting of the College Music Society, Mid-Atlantic Chapter, West Virginia University, March 26, 1993
"The Genesis of King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band," Southern Chapter Meeting of the College Music Society, Munich, Germany, June 25, 1992
"Mozart Pythagorized," Paper presented at the National Meeting of the College Music Society, Washington, D. C., October 26, 1990
"Johnny Dodds with Kid Ory in New Orleans," National Meeting of the Sonneck Society, Toronto, Canada, April 20, 1990
"Ancient Greek Music," a paper presented at the Southeastern Theater Society Meeting, Atlanta GA, March, 1988
"Johnny Dodds Meets Mr. Jelly Lord," National Meeting of the Sonneck Society, Pittsburgh, PA, April, 1987
"Form in Music," National Convention of the American Theater Association, Minneapolis, MN, August, 1983
The Original Hot Five Recordings of Louis Armstrong (Hillsdale, NY: Pendragon Press, 2007). Finalist for the 2007 Association for Recorded Sound Collections Award for Excellence.
Journal Articles"Convergence and Divergence in Peter Mennin's 'Canzona,'" Minds Playing: A Festschrift for W. T. Atcherson, ed. Ted Hatmaker (Iowa City: Flenzo LC, 2006), 100-108.
"The Origin of Armstrong's Hot Fives and Hot Sevens," College Music Symposium, 43 (2003)
"The Triumph of Timelessness Over Time in Hindemith's `Turandot Scherzo' from the Symphonic Metamorphosis of Themes by Carl Maria von Weber," College Music Symposium, 36 (1996)
"Blues For You Johnny: Johnny Dodds and His `Wild Man Blues' Recordings of 1927 and 1938," Annual Review of Jazz Studies, 8 (1996)
"The Genesis of King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band," American Music, 12/3 (Fall, 1994)
"Musical Metamorphoses in Hindemith's `March' from the Symphonic Metamorphosis of Themes by Carl Maria von Weber," Journal of Band Research, 30/1 (Fall, 1994)
"Johnny Dodds in New Orleans," American Music, 8/4 (Winter, 1990)
"Pythagoras Musicus," Journal of the Science and Practice of Music II (1985)
"La Gamme du Si: A Chapter in the History of Solmization," Indiana Theory Review (Fall 1979)